Humanism is an outlook which states that people can live good, moral lives without rules set by religion or superstition. Question the world around you, trust your own moral compass and find happiness in the things that are important to you and those around you.
Humanist ceremonies provide the opportunity for people to have a ceremony that reflects what is important to them, celebrate what they value most, and not feel the need to include traditions for traditions-sake.

I'm a member of Independent Humanist Ceremonies, a group of amazing celebrants (and all round lovely people). We promote the values of Humanism and provide diverse, inclusive and equitable wedding ceremonies, where all couples - whatever their gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or identity - feel valued, listened to and respected.
In the event of me not being available on your wedding day e.g. due to illness, I have this wonderful network of celebrants at my side, who would be able to cover your ceremony.
Through Independent Humanist Ceremonies I'm fully insured and registered with the Registrar General within the National Records of Scotland to provide legal wedding ceremonies.